An innovative approach to agriculture that contrasts conventional farming methods.
Regenerative farming focuses on restoring the health of the soil and the entire ecosystem that lives above and below the surface.
Conventional monocrop farming methods deplete the soil's nutrients, while regenerative farming improves the soil, leading to more resilient crops with higher nutrient density. This is done by promoting a diverse community of living organisms in the soil, like bacteria and fungi, which help break down organic matter and make it available as plant nutrients.
By doing this, regenerative farming not only produces healthier crops but also positively impacts the environment. It helps store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in the soil, reducing the greenhouse effect that causes climate change.
These practices enhance the soil's ability to retain water, minimizing the risk of droughts and erosion. Regenerative farming also reverses the damage often caused by tillage and chemical use in conventional agriculture.
These extra measures significantly differ from the farming techniques of a conventional farm versus a regenerative one. A sustainable way to feed the planet, regenerative farming is the future of modern agriculture.